Entwicklung eines interaktiven, auf Echtzeitdaten basierenden visuellen Feedback- Systems, um die Effizienz von Teams bei kreativen Problemlösungsaufgaben zu fördern
Featured at ACM Creativity and Cognition 2023
Fearured at Human Computer Interaction international 2022

The Project
After spending a lot of time in video conferences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I began to ponder whether interactive and voice-controlled visual feedback systems could help people engage in more productive and balanced conversations. The underlying idea is to provide users with direct feedback on their speaking time through effective information design, indicating if they are speaking too much or too little. The primary challenge in this regard is achieving high visualization efficiency since online meetings already involve cognitively complex processes even without additional visualization applications.

Different design concepts were developed and evaluated based on performance, subjective and objective evaluations, as well as eye-tracking studies. The left version was designed based on previous studies in this field; however, concept studies surprisingly showed low efficiency as users either perceived it incorrectly or did not notice it at all, leading to the development of an alternative approach (right version).
The best visualization was evaluated in the second step through a user study involving participants (n=72) working in groups of four on a collaborative problem-solving task. Our results demonstrate that users perceive the tool as helpful, as measurements indicate a positive evaluation of the tested support system, with positive ratings for perceived usefulness (4.8), ease of understanding (5.6), and perceived accuracy (5.1) on a seven-point Likert scale. These findings are a promising initial step towards the development of a real-time visual support system for video conferencing software.
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